
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Perfect Honesty

Today I found myself being perfectly honest to a fault. I found myself saying things to my sister that were too honest. Is there such a thing as too honest? I believe in some instances there are. For instance, I honestly believe she has made some major mistakes in her life as of late and will continue to make them in the near future. Did I honestly need to tell her that today? I can now say, probably not. When we take it upon ourselves to lay honesty on another person we may need to stop and take measure of the other person's ability to handle your honesty. It would seem that even if your intentions are pure and your desire is to help a person who is dear to you to see potential harm coming there way, honesty may not be the best approach.

My sister is 7 years my elder, she was the teenager I looked up to, she was my guidepost. She did everything before I did. She wore a bra, kissed a boy, fell in love, married, had kids, and grew up before me. When I first felt the pang of a broken heart she reassured me that life would go on. When I had questions about being a mother she gave her advice freely. When I stumbled as a young bride she listened to my complaints and helped me gain the confidence I needed. She was there for me in my youth as I have tried to be there for her now. We have not always seen eye to eye as is to be expected, but we always disagreed in a gentle manor. Lately I have felt myself wanted to scream from the rooftops a cautionary warning to her. I want to grab her hand, yank her off the train that she is on and tell her exactly what I think. I have restrained myself, that is until today. Today I was honest to a fault. I said too much, more than she could handle. I yanked her so hard from that train that I fear I am part of the wreckage that I wanted so desperately to save her from.

So again I question honesty. Is it always the best policy? As I sit here writing this I don't know the answer. I only know that my words fell on deaf ears, my 'rescue' attempt was clumsy at best and my sister felt the sting of perfect honesty. How do the super heroes do it? They save the world, have an innate ability to make people see the err of their ways and never tear their capes while doing it. Honesty happens sometimes without being eloquent, gentle, or well received, and I fear I tore my cape today.

1 comment:

  1. Each person has to, and is entitled to walk their own road. Sometimes it's hard to stand by and watch but, giving honest opinions sometimes ends up just being a roadblock on their journey. Mistakes have to be made so wisdom can come from them. At the end of the day, the fiber the person is made of, will come to their rescue, and the honest and genuine love given to them on the way will help it to rise to the surface.
