
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Perfectly Terrified

Today I entered into the 3rd grade world of my daughter's classroom. After fighting nerves all day, I packed my bag and headed out onto my journey. Now nerves have never gotten the best of me when being in front of a classroom, heck I used to teach. Twenty five inquisitive faces have only inspired never terrified me, that is until today. Today was different, today I was being more me than I have ever been in front of anyone. Today I was a writer, not just a mom who ferries her kids from place to place, or throws pretty decent kid's parties. Today I was sitting in front of my first critical audience, ready to bare my soul, or at least the souls of my characters.

I steadied myself and plunged right in. After I read the first few lines I knew I was indeed in friendly waters. My characters were met with kindness and curiosity, I had a captivated audience. Trying desperately not to embarrass my daughter, I read more, chapter after chapter. As I did I could feel my heart stop racing and open up so wide that I can truly say I love every aspect of writing. I even discovered that I love sharing my writing, which up to this point scared the heck out of me. It is no longer a solitary endeavor, done in the darkness of night after the kids are sleeping. Writing can hold an equal place in my heart. I can be a mom, wife and writer on a perfectly absurd pursuit of perfection. I am no longer perfectly terrified, I am perfectly passionate about all things in my life. Thank you my dearest daughter for allowing me into your world.

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