
Monday, February 8, 2010

My First Blog

Well here it goes, my first blog. Of course I will attempt to do it perfectly and fail. But that is ok. I am sitting at my computer way past my bedtime. I can hear my children sleeping in their beds. Everyone is tucked in for a good winter's nap, that is except me.

The words call to me like a thief in the night. They come to steal my sweet slumber. They want to be heard, to be put down on paper. I would prefer they danced in my head a little while longer. I need to sleep, tomorrow is a school day for 2 out of 3 of the kids. I am going to regret the trade. The lost sleep for blogging and quieting down the words in my head.

Tonight my husband went off to watch the Super Bowl....I on the other hand made jokes about the Super Bowl being a giant toilet that flushed well. This did not go over very well with the football lovers. Alas my humor was lost. The evening was spent baking triple chocolate brownies that will be hand delivered to my children's teachers for Valentine's Day. Only 2 dozen survived the night. There had to be a sacrificial dozen for the house. I feared anarchy if I didn't give the tribe what they wanted.

Tomorrow I will continue on my pursuit of perfection and finish the goodie bags for my daughter's class party. Undoubtedly my efforts will be delayed by one or more crying children. I will take a breath, put the bags down and dry the tears, bandage the wound, feed the tummy that is rumbling and continue my day. I will crawl into bed with pen in hand (archaic I know) and perhaps write a few more lines in my book. Or maybe I will just close my eyes and let the images of the day call me to sleep.

Whatever it is it will be perfect.


  1. Well that was a perfect start. Good luck to you, you were always a great writer and story teller; from boyfriend's letters to class room notes. :) I enjoy reading it along with my morning coffee.

  2. You were always in my court cheering me on! Couldn't be who I am if you weren't you.

  3. Hey Bonnie! Love that you are blogging. Miss you and would love to catch up some time. Seems like it was yesterday when we had our two little girls. Boy time goes by so fast. Love you & miss you!
    Linda Kuhar
