
Monday, February 8, 2010

Perfectly Breathtaking

When I look into the faces of my children I see perfection. Perfect little creations that for some unknown reason God decided to grace me with. For a very short moment my breath is taken away. Then I tremble. My mind races in a thousand different directions. Did I check all the homework? Are their clothes laid out for tomorrow? Did I do everything within my power to make the world; at least our little part of it; safe for them today? The weight of it almost causes me to crumble to my knees. Then my breath returns and the trembling stops and I see perfection again. I am confident that my job is done for tonight at least.

It is how my mind works. Always keeping three steps ahead of peril, heartache and dandruff, yes dandruff is a daily exercise. Does this rule my world? No. I have yet to meet a mother who doesn't lose her breath at least once a day over her children. It is what we do. We sustain life from the very moment they are conceived. I anticipate many breathless moments in my time, not all of them due to peril.

Many times I am left breathless at the mere sight of my children at play. I stand, dishtowel in hand, in awe of their simple kindnesses to one another. They are so artful at surprising you. Just when you think there is no hope for sibling reconciliation, they share a juice box and all is forgiven. They are wildly complex creatures, yet simply inspirational. They are humane, forgiving, loving, optimistic beings from which we could gain such wisdom. They are remnants of our former selves, reflections of our past purity. They are the best parts of us, the parts we sometimes shelve and forget to take down and dust.

They are my perfectly breathtaking little beings!

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful. They are what we should be: living in the present moment, not thinking of getting from point A to point B but living in the getting there, with their silly, scattered derailings. Live Simply Silly! It's their motto I think. :-)
