
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Meet Alice Anders

Today Alice Anders entered the world. Anxious to start her life, she quickly puts on her new dress and unpacks her suitcase. We have been waiting for her arrival for sometime now. Miss Anders, with her ink stained hands and well worn leather tote enters stage left. The audience is curious, who is this enigma, this quirky little woman with a twinkle in her eye?

To be quite frank I am not sure who Alice Anders will become but I can tell you how she started. Alice first appeared on the scene earlier this morning on a car ride with my daughters and my mother. She came calling when all others had failed to knock loud enough. Miss Anders writes children's fiction, bites the tip of her pencil and never, and I mean never goes anywhere without her journals. Busy little characters dance in her head, squirrels playing in the field cause a mad dash to her journal. Pencil, pen, even crayon in hand she writes, drawn to her characters like a moth to light. Alice Anders has come to stay, we welcome her with open arms and look forward to the journey she is about to bring us on.

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