
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Embracing Your Second Calling: Finding Passion And Purpose For The Rest Of Your Life, by Dale Hanson Bourke

As I sat down to read Embracing Your Second Calling; Find Passion and Purpose For The Rest Of Your Life, by Dale Hanson Bourke, it was the occasion of my 40th birthday. As my lack of accomplishments danced in front of me, I successfully pigeon-holed myself into middle age. I opened the book and my eyes fell upon the dedication; it reads; To all the amazing women in the second half of life. Was I really in the second half of my life? Was being 40 really the benchmark for being halfway there? The book begins by describing the author's awareness of aging and the impending empty nest that she is facing, I wasn't quite there yet. My children are still in Elementary school, my nest will be bustling for quite sometime, I read on. Chapter 1 A New Beginning, ah this is where the answer lies, the author suggests. Now the book began to speak to me, "Somewhere between the memories of what has been and the hopes of what might be, we pause, take a deep breath, and wonder." Those words jumped out at me as if the author had heard my very thoughts. Dale Hanson Bourke knew exactly the way I was feeling at that very moment that I lay on my couch an emotional mess because a number was defining me.

It has been almost a month since I turned the first page of this book and I can say that it was one of the most incredible books, that I have ever read. Treating this book like a daily devotional, paying extra attention to the suggested Act and Reflect boxes dotted throughout the book, I was able to redefine my age. I recommend this book to every woman, of any age, who is feeling lost, unable to define themselves or find purpose in their lives. The author has included scripture references, as well as, quotes from inspiring woman to help the reader on the journey. This book has become a companion for me, tucked away with my study bible, the two travel with me to many places. Sometimes they merely make the trip to my bedroom, today they are with me at the seashore providing answers to many questions.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie,
    So glad to have stumbled upon your blog today.
    I know the lost, undefined, searching for purpose in life feeling all too well. I call it "the gray" and I blog extensively about this very subject over at my blog, Beyond the Gray (

    Thanks for sharing your review of this book. Hope you'll join us over at Beyond the Gray sometime!

